Monday, October 8, 2012

Trend Spotting: Hair Bows

How do you all feel about bows? Because I absolutely love them. 

While I love bows on pretty much anything, so long as they're done right (more like this this, less like this), I'm especially fond of bow in your hair. Now don't go getting horrible flashbacks of your 3rd grade school picture with the giant bow your mom made you wear against your will. No, I'm talking refined, simple, classic bows. While I wouldn't describe my style as girly, there is something about sticking a bow in my hair that makes me feel instantly happy. I always admire the many ways Blair manages to make her bows work. From dressed up, to dressed down, this girls is on point, every time.

Now, my question to you: Would you rock bows as an adult?
Vote now ------>


  1. Yes! love the selection! thanks for sharing - I was actually the other day searching Blair's blog for bow inspirations :)

  2. So cute! I love a great hairbow! And I love how your grandparents and I shared a vacation! So exciting!! They and I went to some great places!
