Tuesday, July 17, 2012


I have a serious case of travelittis (you know, like seniorittis, but with travel, uh dur!). It seems all I want to do in life is travel the globe on the imaginary funds I will never be able to cultivate in my lifetime. Apparently I was meant to be born rich but there was some mix up and now I live the broke post-grad lifestyle. But even though I'm broke, I'd much rather trade the "luxuries" (hello store bought hair dye and goodbye online shopping) for a plane ticket or a full tank of gas. I've always loved to travel, but ever since I studied abroad and discovered my deep seeded love of new places and new adventures, I can't shake the feeling that I'm wasting away my life each day I sit in the office and go about my mundane routine. Its like I start to go through withdraw when I don't have a trip in the works. My palms get sweaty, I get the shakes, my head starts to pound...okay, okay, so it's not that bad. But still. I need to do it all! 

My current problems however, lie with the fact that most of my travel partners are either a.) still in school, b.) also poor post-grads, or c.) using all their vacation days on other fabulous trips (*cough* Kim *cough, cough*), I only get 4 vacation days a year (what am I supposed to do with 4 days?!), and I am currently giving half of my monthly income to the government for that stupid degree that collects dust on my shelf. So, for now I guess I'm settling for small road trips to Scranton, Jersey shore and local cities while dreaming big with visions of seeing Amsterdam, France, Greece, South Africa and most of the continental U.S. 

And in light of this post, I just want to do myself a favor and make a running list of the places I've been, both nationally and internationally (including major cities). 

U.S. (20/50)
New Hampshire
Massachusetts (Boston)
New York (New York City)
Pennsylvania (Philadelphia, Pittsburgh)*
Maryland (Baltimore)*
Kansas (Kansas City)
Missouri (Kansas City)
Louisiana (New Orleans)
North Carolina
New Jersey
West Virginia
Rhode Island
Washington D.C.

Ireland (Dublin)
Wales (Cardiff)*
England (London)
Scotland (Edinburgh, Glasgow
Spain (Barcelona)

* Places I've Lived

Hopefully sometime soon I can expand this list, *le sigh*

Until then, I'm going to continue to live vicariously through these awesome women and their international life:

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