Saturday, September 10, 2011

The Help

So yesterday my mom and I enjoyed some good ol' fashion bonding over this remarkably touching movie. Now, as an avid reader, I of course read the book before viewing the movie. I had actually picked up the novel randomly at a hostel in Barcelona last Thanksgiving. I had finished the book I had originally brought on my trip and began an anti-climactic search for some new reading material. Seeing as The Help was the only book I could scavenge in the hostel lounge, I decided to give it a go. Later on that weekend I was informed by another one of the guests that it was actually a bestselling novel back in the U.S. Now, I have been known to read mostly anything I can get my hands on, so the fact that this book came recommended sure didn't hurt its ranking. One week later and a broken book light later, I was quoting Roger Ebert's famous line and giving it "two thumbs up". 

Fast forward 10 months and we circle back to the start of my post. Mom and I origionally made plans to see this much talked about movie the weekend Irene rolled through, but do to winds, rain and my mom's inability to leave the house seeing as her eyes were glued to the news channel, we sadly bailed on our plans. Two weeks (and clear skies) later we hoped in the car and headed to the cinema. Now, how many of you read a book, then go see the movie adaption and find yourself annoyed, pissed, or disappointed (Am I the only one raising my hand here, even though there is no one around to see it)? This had to have been the first movie adaption I've seen that I found to be almost perfectly done. I was shocked! At this stage in the game, I go into the movies expecting to be disappointed, so this experience was a pleasant surprise. I guess I can't further my stance that the book is always better than the movie. 

P.S. It also doesn't hurt that Emma Stone is one of my new favorite actresses Hollywood crushes and she did a beyond fantastic job as Skeeter. 

1 comment:

  1. I want to see this movie! Id read the book, but time does not allow :(

    I gave your blog the "Tell me about yourself" award on my blog <3
