Friday, September 23, 2011

Cranberry and Brie Combo

My mom asked me a couple weeks ago to help out and make dinner one night a week. Since I love to cook, I didn't complain. Tonight was my night to cook and I thought I'd try to make a cranberry and brie sandwich. I had a couple cranberry and brie paninis while I was in the UK and thought I'd wing it and test the recipe out on my parents. Turns out my fake-it-till-you-make-it approach worked out pretty well (minus the fact that my dad dislikes brie and asparagus...sorry dad!)

French bread, brie and canned, whole cranberries (think Thanksgiving)

(Arranging the cheese can be tricky)

A side of roasted asparagus thanks to Bon Chic Bon Gastronomique (minus the bacon since I didn't have any, although I've made her roasted asparagus recipe before and its very yummy with bacon)

Finished product = yummy!

Obviously a glass of wine is a must.

And since I didn't use all the brie to make the sandwiches, I threw it in the toaster for a delicious post-dinner snack.

1 comment:

  1. I love Brie so much. This looks so good. I love that with the snack you have raspberry jelly. What a good combo :-D
