Monday, August 6, 2012

4th of July

{Meaghan made a fruit pizza. Delicious doesn't even begin to explain it}

So I guess I never posted about the 4th. Or New Orleans. Or my BFF's birthday weekend. I have some catching up to do I'd say. Well lets start with my 4th of July BBQ. Why you ask? Because it was easier to upload them than scrolling all the way up the iPhone to upload older photos in chronological order. Can you blame me though?

Anywho, 4th of July basically just involved tons of food, my friends Meaghan, Mari and Joe, the pool, the grill, some champagne and some sparklers. It was such a nice, relaxing and fun way to spend my much welcomed day off work. Plus a great way to start celebrating Meaghan and Joe's engagement. Because honestly, you really can't celebrate too much, am I right? 
{We may be adults, but you never outgrow the joy a sparkler brings.}
{I stole flowers from my works garden to decorate the table. Shhhhh}
{Thank you Rachael Ray}
{Yummy caprese pops}
{The obviously needed cake pops sans sticks. Cause they are gobbled up too fast to waste buying sticks}
{I'ved made this twice since. So. Freakin. Good.}
{Gotta be over the top festive}

1 comment:

  1. I wish I was there! It was so beautiful and looked like a great party. Speaking of parties...someone's birthday is coming up!
