Monday, October 3, 2011

Rock and Roll Bash

Last Saturday the Casey Cares Foundation held its 9th Annual Rock and Roll Bash. The Casey Cares Foundation is an awesome program that supports families of terminally ill or critically ill children by providing family-friendly activities and support during their difficult time. My boss sits on the board for the foundation and was able to hook up all of the employees in the office (yes, all four of us...) with free V.I.P tickets (we're talking open bar and buffet here people) and a hotel room to crash in after we're drank our body weight. The night was full of ice luges, girls with painted on shirts, drunk dancing and good old fashion rock n' roll. It was great to hang out with my co-workers outside of the office and get to know their personalities better. 

{Donna, myself and Monica. We miss you LeAnn!}

{These girls shirts are PAINTED on. Yes, you heard me correctly.}

{My friend Chris made it out to join in the festivities.}

{My boss is a bit of a spazz with the jazz hands once you get a couple drinks in him.}

{Craig and his wife accepting their donor award.}

I must say, I couldn't be happier to work with such caring, funny and festive women (and man). 

P.S. Did I happen to mention that I fell asleep before all of the 50 year old women I was sharing the hotel room with? Just passed right out onto all 9 pillows taking up residence on the bed. 

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