Sunday, October 23, 2011

Johnny Appleseed

Mother daughter bonding in the orchard.
So my dog decided to snap my USB photo adapter device (technically terms unnecessary) last week, leaving me unable to update the world my small group of followers on the happenings of my life. So lets backtrack about two weeks when my mom and I went apple picking. Who doesn't love frolicking through an orchard on an outrageously hot fall day? Not these two crazy kids. We picked many an apple (and ate almost as many while picking as ended up in our purchased bags). I learned from this experience that I am the worst weight guesser ever. What I thought could quite possibly be 15 lbs. of apples was actually only 5 lbs. Can you tell I don't work out? 

We went to this small orchard, Baughers, in Westminster that has season fruit picking almost all year round. This particular weekend was the first break from the flood enduring rains, so pretty much everyone and their brother was at the farm. There were hay rides, build your own scarecrows, moon bounces, musical acts (or what carroll county calls off-key notes and random guitar strumming), fresh baked desserts and produce galore. While I've always thought of myself as a lover of summer, fall is quickly becoming my favorite season. Changing leaves, pumpkin patches, apple orchards, corn mazes and pumpkin favored anything have captured my heart, and folks, I can't say I protest. 

So cheap! 
Who doesn't love pumpkin shaped moon bounces? Excuse me, is there an age limit for this wholesome fun?

That's what I need guarding my front lawn this season!

One of my favorites.

Do I look like I could make apple picking a career choice? I look like a professional!

Clearly my attempts to scare the pants off my mom feel through with a face like that.

My mom seems to think she's still in kindergarden presenting apples to the teacher.

Just checkin out the selection.

All I talked about was how much I wanted to ride in the hay.

It looks like fall threw up on this table.

I don't think they think highly of Miss Daisy.

Oh the amish. Bringing us quality old-fashion goods since the dawn of electricity.

**Obviously an apple pie post is to follow.

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