Thursday, March 22, 2012

Bmore, Part II

So what starts out with dancing and ends with dancing?
A day with Angela!! 

As I mentioned last week, Angie and I hit up Bmore for some exploration, drinks and dancing. While getting ready, Ang decided to bust out the moves and get the party started. Well after a day of exploring Hampden, visiting Charm City Cakes, walking around the harbour and a brief shopping trip to UO, we hit the bar and had a blast refining our already one-of-a-kind amazeball dancing abilities. 

During the process we somehow interrupted a bachelor party, which totally worked in our favor because the dudes were hysterical. They were dancing crazy (Is there any other kind) and we even made a dance circle and took turns jumping into the center. Clearly we were the coolest kids at the bar ;) Days like these remind me just how much I miss living with my best friend and all the crazy adventures that are possible. One day people! One day we will be reunited...for good!!

{Shopping and coffee in the harbour}
{Why hello Mr. Bachlor from out of town}

{Do you think they have security cameras to see all the idiots that pose outside their door?}

1 comment:

  1. Omg I love you. That oh my. I'm quite embarrassing at times. Notgoingtolie.
