Tuesday, September 25, 2012

DIY Inspiration: Studs & Embellishments

I'm a big fan of DIY. I actually spent last month hopping from one Michael's to the next, trying to find the right supplies to make some of I Spy DIY's bracelets (so far I've made thisthisthis and this. Plus this ring in necklace form for my sister). And then proceeded to lock myself in my room for a whole day making half a dozen bracelets. I went a little overboard I'd say...

Next on my list? I'm thinking some stud/embellishment action. On everything.

I'm actually headed to the thrift store on Friday with my baby sister. Maybe my first victim will be lurking there, begging to be studded like an amateur. 

If you have any recommendation or suggestions, I'd love to hear it! Do you love to DIY? What have you created? Whats on your list to DIY to-do's?