Monday, April 30, 2012

Lookbook: Casual Friday

{Shirt: Jcrew, Pants: Gap, Shoes: Target, Jewlery: H&M, Fossil}

Please excuse the crap that is these photos (and the mess that is Mikes apartment). Its my attempt to take semi-decent photos with an auto-timer, before dark on my iPhone. End result = craptastic. But you get the point. Friday was all about comfy and casual for me, especially since I was still feeling under the weather. These Gap pants are probably the first pair of pants I've owned in god knows how long that haven't fallen down throughout the day (pants and I don't agree), so obviously they will now be in heavy rotation. Now if only I can find a solid pair of jeans...

1 comment:

  1. You're so adorable I cannot even handle it. Love the pants. Love your face. I think the pics are so cute.

    Gosh I miss you.
