Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Sunday Dinner Reunion

Its an understatement to say this past Friday was a much needed event with friends. I gotta say, life after graduation is ROUGH. I know they say its supposed to be a happy occasion full of potential and opportunity, but lets get real. The economy blows so no one wants to take a shot on a kid fresh out of the classroom with no applicable work experience. Plus, you're forced to leave behind your routine, your lifestyle, your friends. Its scary, devastating and takes a loooonnngg time to adjust to. I know, I know, I'm usually cool as a cucumber, but hit me on a bad day spent stalking Facebook a little too long and you've got a girl curled up in sweatpants crying into a bag of potato chips (I kid, I kid...its a box of cookies).

So when my amazing friends Angela and Nicole decided to get the gang from last semester together and have a reunion dinner, I was game! And one of the best parts? My great friend Abby, who now lives in Philly to attend med school, came up to visit. I haven't seen her for six months now and I'm embarrassed to say I squealed and jumped up and down at the sight of her.  The food was good, the laughs were great and my friends? Priceless.

P.S. How strange are my friends? Yes, that is Pat R. trying to be a dinosaur and eat Pat Z. head in that photo. You know the saying: to know them is to love them!


  1. Haha! How fun! I'm do glad you were able to get together w all your friends! That's always the best. :)
    Btw I'm having a huge giveaway and would love for you to enter miss, Amber!

  2. Oh man there are a bunch! I got my eye on the key necklace ;) thanks for the heads up!!
