Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Vagina Monologues

Friday night I went to the 14th annual showing of Eve Ensler's The Vagina Monologues at my alma mater. This was my fifth year watching the performances and every year I find it enjoyable. Plus, I always have friends participating in the readings so, double score! My good friend Angela has been the director of the show for the past four years and I was surprised when my friend Nicole said she'd be reading, since she's usually the more reserved of us girls. But I was so proud of both of them! Once again, I laughed at the angry Vagina's and the "cellar" but the final monologue was my favorite this year; it touched on being "over" rape and how its not a joking matter. It really hit home and I appreciated that addition to the show, especially since it touched on recent events and issues. 

Plus, I love buying shirts that say vagina to 1) support the local Victims Resource Center and 2) make people  feel uncomfortable when I wear it in public. Who doesn't love seeing peoples confused reactions because you have anatomical correct terminology on your clothing? 

P.S. I am also super proud of my friend Abby for continuing to preform in the Vagina Monologues at PCOM. You rock girlie! Sorry I couldn't see you.
P.P. S. How cute is the Valentine Nicole got me. It was filled with animal crackers and I was in love. Happy Valentines Day!

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